IPCC – Shut up or Else.

Apparently the IPCC has adopted the same moderation policy as Cuba, Real Climate and North Korea.

UN Security Stops Journalist’s Questions About ClimateGate

Does anyone thing the IPCC or UN is capable of unbiased review of the climategate emails when they cannot allow a simple question.  It was a simple question too, and several people jumped in to stop him.  How did they know they were supposed to stop questions about climategate?

45 thoughts on “IPCC – Shut up or Else.

  1. From the article linked above — A Stanford Professor has used United Nation security officers to silence a journalist asking him “inconvenient questions” during a press briefing at the climate change conference in Copenhagen.

  2. So much for the whistle blower as hero meme.

    This kind of arrogance will be their undoing…. maybe. Then again, they have been getting away with this for so long now, and the press has been so lax on this “inconvenient” issue, maybe it will stay business as usual.

  3. I cant believe this stuff keeps on happening. I for one hope that the other journalists start to see that thay have been fooled.

  4. Schneider – where have I heard of him before? Was he the guy who said that people had to choose between being truthful and being effective, or was that a different warmmonger?

  5. Vinny said:

    How did he manage to resist those big blue eyes.

    It takes moral fortitude to fight against the beautiful forces of climate conspiracy, with their exquisite bone structure and pouting lips, fiends!

  6. Most of the exchange between McAleer and Schneider appears to have been cut from the video. I’m not going to make a judgment one way or the other until I can see an unedited clip.

  7. Fantastic! KUDOS to this brave reporter who dares to speak to his betters! He is truly a REPORTER, not a Liberal masquerading as a journalist.

  8. The linked article also mentions that those two have some history that wasn’t exactly amiable (prof used legal pressure to make sure a previous interview of his wouldn’t be used in the guy’s documentary).

  9. So, that’s the mystery of Climategate all cleared up then. I just knew you sceptics were blowing it all out of proportion. You only had to ask.

    papieren bitte! Bzzzzt.

  10. Another thing to be noted about the shutdown of the Press at the UN – that can’t happen on the internet so easily. Somehow, I can’t remember, I discovered this site which I immediately bookmarked and have visited daily. From this site, I’ve been able to springboard to lots of other great sites daily thanks to the links at the main page top right. So keep up the good work letting us know what’s going on. A lot of us are reading – and writing our reps.

  11. The UN is good for one thing.. a scam.

    Swine flu – scam (billions looted)
    AGW – scam (billions looted and loss of rights as humans)
    Food Programs, all – scam (billions looted)

    The UN is run by a small group and they pick and choose results. Should we keep them around? NO.

    Wake up World, and the US…

  12. My apologiez for advertising my own blog, but I figure people don’t mind if it’s on topic.

    I went through all the measurements for the Antarctica region in the GHCN dataset, and there is a HUGE difference between adjusted and unadjusted data (want to guess in which direction??). Maybe this has been acknowledged before, in that case you can see this as an independant confirmation. We love reposts and links 😀


  13. “To capture the public imagination,
    we have to offer up some scary scenarios,
    make simplified dramatic statements
    and little mention of any doubts one might have.
    Each of us has to decide the right balance
    between being effective,
    and being honest.”

    – Leading greenhouse advocate, Dr Stephen Schneider
    ( in interview for “Discover” magagzine, Oct 1989)

  14. Liberals generally cheer when Michael Moore uses his documentary camera to make movies (Roger and Me, Sicko, Fahrenheit 9/11 et al.) however notice how unwilling they are to accept the same treatment when directed at their sacred cows. Of course try posting dissenting opinions over at Realclimate and its the same thing.

  15. Quo Bono, by the way?

    Has the Greatest Living Irishman finally realized that his antics are counterproductive?

  16. Here’s a bit more on Schneider from http://www.john-daly.com

    “Just as with Global Warming, we find Schneider in the vanguard of the Global Cooling doomsayers during the 1970s.

    It was only when global temperatures took an upward turn around 1980 that Schneider and others quickly made a career change and became passionate advocates of impending catastrophe, only this time from warming, not cooling. But then, opportunism is a trait of politicians rather than scientists.

    During the Ice Age Scare of the 1970s, Schneider was one of it’s foremost advocates. He published a book titled “The Genesis Strategy” at this time, warning of the coming glaciation, and wrote glowing a testimonial on the back cover of a popular `Ice Age’ book of the time – (Ponte, Lowell. “The Cooling”, Prentice Hall, N.J., USA, 1976), in which the author claimed that the climatic cooling from 1940 to the 1970s was but the precursor to the main event – the coming Ice Age.

    Schneider was one of the first in the scientific community to warn of the impending Ice Age with this paper –

    Schneider S. & Rasool S., “Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Aerosols – Effects of Large Increases on Global Climate”, Science, vol.173, 9 July 1971, p.138-141″

  17. So, let me get this straight, a reporter is marched off by armed guards for asking a difficult question in a press conference and yet a gang of moronic chanting youth can invade a private meeting and disrupt it and nobody does anything to get rid of them? This is a very very scary world we are inhabiting.

  18. It’s frustrating trying to have a discussion with anyone who is a true believer. Before you get half-way through a sentence, they call you a “denier.” Instead of talking about the emails and potential fraud, they start talking about Sarah Palin seeing Alaska from her porch. Or, they talk about the scientific consensus. (Even if it is based on bad data).

    It is almost as if this will never gain any traction, because we’re too far down the road. We’re committed to fighting global warming via tax hikes.

  19. Here is the real crux of the problem… the masters in control (those families that have had power for 50, 100+ yrs) operate in terms of decades. Most of us plan our next meal… they don’t have to. I guarantee you 20 yrs ago, they were saying…”in 2009 we’ll get this passed, and in 10 yrs we’ll pass this..” etc.

    It takes one generation to indoctrinate, preferably 2… only, they didn’t count on such resistance to their too obama and their plans to tax to give to the poor (right, more like dictators and tyrants will get the money–or what is left after the unseen masters take their pick). Most younger than 30 have had this drilled into their head without question for a gen, so….

    Sound like it is a conspiracy? It is. But, my peons, that is how we are manipulated daily to serve the masters.

    I don’t have too much faith in ordinary citizens, but since the scientists that have been shafted are speaking out, I do have hope that they will NOT let this pass… Cap/Trade is now dead anyway, but the madness in its entirety must end.

    Selling air and taxing the planet is just too much to comprehend for most, so it is the perfect crime… remember if you hear the word conspiracy on TV, it must be (at least, for the indoctrinated).

  20. I meant ‘conspiracy theory’…

    Like the now dead AGW theory… sure, it is still alive in the heads of the believers, but in reality, for most across the world, it is now time for the people to investigate the charade and follow the money.

  21. One more thing… Soros is involved and wants to USE GOLD.. LOL.

    Soros should tell you EVERYTHING… His involvement makes it contrary to ‘good’ and ‘just’.

  22. 13.Motorhead said
    December 11, 2009 at 4:52 pm
    Fantastic! KUDOS to this brave reporter who dares to speak to his betters! He is truly a REPORTER, not a Liberal masquerading as a journalist.

    I don’t know enough about it yet, but it would be a good idea to check that he wasn’t a conservative masquerading as a journalist. Keep in mind that both liberals and conservatives have bought into the AGW story…. our “betters” are basically united in their view of the world… I haven’t done it myself, but I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that our present day power-elite graduated from the same schools, sit on boards together and marry each other.

    25% of all Americans have a college degree today, but they are really just proletarians. They just haven’t figured it out yet.

  23. The elite AGWers just don’t want any “tricky” questions.

    “tricky” meaning difficult to handle, and for a good reason.

    But imo, if true, this kind of suppression – where everyone can see it – is not wise: it took something sensational, but not necessary to the proof that the ipcc and elite Climate Scientists are not doing Science, to finally ignite and help bring to the fore the basic issue.

    This would be the same kind of thing, and they are doing it to themselves. Apart from the “strong arm” component itself, it contributes to the conclusion that what the AGWers don’t want you to see contradicts the scientific validity of their whole position, not to mention highlighting their probable intent in regard to controlling free and not so free people by any means they see fit.

  24. That sort of behaviour is obviously self-defeating. If it happens in a more open congregation of widespread journalist I expect something along the lines of what Obama tried to do and ban FOX from a conference – all news media combined to object forcing Obama to back down. I like this. Hope to see more of this to expose the corruption. This is just the start.

  25. If you search through the emails for Stephen Schneider, a lot of hits will turn up.

    A lot of these are chat about conferences but there are some that are worthy of further study. It is late and I don’t have the time to start digging (just opened about ten at random) but he is actively involved and participates (or is at least CC’d) in the discussions in the emails.

    He should know what is in the emails and his reaction is priceless…

  26. Dr Schnieder is a real peach

    In the 1970s Professor Schneider was one of the leading voices warning the Earth was going to experience a catastrophic man-made ice-age. However he is now a member of the UN IPCC and is a leading advocate warning that the Earth is facing catastrophic global warming. In 1971, Schneider co-authored a paper warning of the possibility of a man-made “ice age.” See: Rasool S., & Schneider S.”Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Aerosols – Effects of Large Increases on Global Climate”, Science, vol.173, 9 July 1971, p.138-141 – Excerpt: ‘The rate of temperature decrease is augmented with increasing aerosol content. An increase by only a factor of 4 in global aerosol background concentration may be sufficient to reduce the surface temperature by as much as 3.5 deg. K. If sustained over a period of several years, such a temperature decrease over the whole globe is believed to be sufficient to trigger an ice age.”

  27. What do “values” have to do with an argument about data analysis? “Skeptical scientists not sharing their values” – that nicely sums up ClimateGate. Schnieder’s slip of the tongue is much more damning than the UN thugs.

  28. “Climategate” started out when there appeared on the Internet a collection of e-mails of a group of climatologists who work in the University of East Anglia in England. These documents reveal that some climatologists of international preeminence have manipulated the data of their investigations and have strongly tried to discredit climatologists who are not convinced that the increasing quantities of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere are the cause of global warming.

    It is true that a majority of the scientists who study climatic tendencies in our atmosphere have arrived at the conclusion that the world’s climate is changing, and they have convinced a group of politicians, some of whom are politically powerful, of the truth of their conclusions.

    A minority, however, is skeptical. Some believe that recent data that suggest that the average temperature of the atmosphere is going up can be explained by natural variations in solar radiation and that global warming is a temporary phenomenon. Others believe that the historical evidence indicating that the temperature of the atmosphere is going up at a dangerous rate is simply not reliable.

    Such lacks of agreement are common in the sciences. They are reduced and eventually eliminated with the accumulation of new evidence and of more refined theories or even by completely new ones. Such debates can persist for a period of decades. Academics often throw invective at one another in these debates. But typically this does not mean much.

    But the case of climate change is different. If the evidence indicates that global warming is progressive, is caused principally by our industrial processes, and will probably cause disastrous changes in our atmosphere before the end of the twenty-first century, then we do not have the time to verify precisely if this evidence is reliable. Such a process would be a question of many years of new investigations. And if the alarmist climatologists are right, such a delay would be tragic for all humanity.

    The difficulty is that economic and climatologic systems are very complicated. They are not like celestial mechanics, which involves only the interaction of gravity and centrifugal force, and efforts to construct computerized models to describe these complicated systems simply cannot include all the factors that are influential in the evolution of these complicated systems.

    All this does not necessarily indicate that the alarmist climatologists are not right. But it really means that if global warming is occurring, we cannot know exactly what will be the average temperature of our atmosphere in the year 2100 and what will be the average sea level of the world’s ocean in that year.

    It also means that we cannot be confident that efforts by the industrialized countries to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere will have a significant influence on the evolution of the world’s climate.

    Alas, the reduction of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere would be very costly and would greatly change the lives of all the inhabitants of our planet–with the possibility (perhaps even the probability!) that all these efforts will be completely useless.

    Harleigh Kyson Jr.

  29. In the 1970s Professor Schneider was one of the leading voices warning the Earth was going to experience a catastrophic man-made ice-age. However he is now a member of the UN IPCC and is a leading advocate warning that the Earth is facing catastrophic global warming. In 1971, Schneider co-authored a paper warning of the possibility of a man-made “ice age.” See: Rasool S., & Schneider S.”Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Aerosols – Effects of Large Increases on Global Climate”, Science, vol.173, 9 July 1971, p.138-141 – Excerpt: ‘The rate of temperature decrease is augmented with increasing aerosol content. An increase by only a factor of 4 in global aerosol background concentration may be sufficient to reduce the surface temperature by as much as 3.5 deg. K. If sustained over a period of several years, such a temperature decrease over the whole globe is believed to be sufficient to trigger an ice age.”

    The above quote from Windansea at post 38 surely then answers the question on everyone’s lips i.e. If there is is actual global warming then what’s the cure? Simple! Everyone just stop using aerosols! From Schneider’s own comments this would seem to be the remedy. LOL
    Seriously though, they should all go and hide themselves and resign in shame for trying to perpetrate this greatest of all scams on the people of the world! It’s all about the money and how much they can get away with before people say enough is enough. That time is now!

  30. This is a dead horse we are flogging here now isn’t it? This has all been proven to have been a scam to try to get people to pay their carbon taxes etc. They are always looking for ways to tax people more and more. Scientist who were helping them were finally exposed fro fraudulently manipulating the figures to help promote their scam.

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