Free Thinking

WUWT has highlighted an article from the Independent where James Hansen is quoted as saying the skeptics are winning.   My own opinion is that nobody who wants less government interference in energy creation is winning.   I have to laugh that people don’t have enough energy even today.  It is insane, but because of the ignorance of the public’s approach to the issues stupid government policies are the norm rather than the exception.

Climate sceptics are winning the argument with the public over global warming, the world’s most celebrated climate scientist, James Hansen of NASA, said in London yesterday.

Now Hansen is widely celebrated, he’s a triple A rated climatologist  activist, advocate, alarmist.  He has no fear of retaliation for his overpaid government job or the quid-pro-quo payments/awards from pro-government, pro-socialism organizations.  The false claims were flying everywhere:

It is happening even though climate science itself is becoming ever clearer in showing that the earth is in increasing danger from rising temperatures, said Dr Hansen,

That statement is flatly false.  The reason the skeptic argument (which is really a lukewarmer style argument) is “winning”, is that the DATA and the SCIENCE are supporting a more moderate warming in the future and with vastly reduced consequences in relation to some of the absolutely insane IPCC predictions.  Of course the winning comment is simply the recognition by the public that perhaps the IPCC is really a political organization just as any thinking person already knows.

It is amazing that a scientist puts crap like this out there with a straight face:

Part of the problem, he said, was that the climate sceptic lobby employed communications professionals, whereas “scientists are just barely competent at communicating with the public and don’t have the wherewithal to do it.”

Hmm… I’ve read nothing from a paid climate skeptic lobby and continuously read pro-climate information which can only be described as lies from paid for advertisements. I’d say that he’s a pot calling the kettle black, yet the kettle in this case was a glass. The climate alarmist campaigns are often government money or untaxed 501C’s paid to advertisers to support ever more controlling government.  Propaganda about why their message doesn’t work is continuously put in high profile news articles.  Really, I don’t know where the skeptic movement comes from except that the message from main stream climate science in their media organizations is heavily leftist, often verifiably inaccurate, and takes a completely negative approach of limitation, reduction, rather than expansion or development.

Who really wants less for themselves or their kids. Why not discuss expansion of real solutions like nuclear power or more efforts for research into real energy if they are so concerned?  My answer is simple, the politicians have different intent than the heavily leftist climate science movement can understand.  In my opinion it is the Achilles heal of leftism.  The progressive individual thinks the politician can just do X and if that doesn’t work do X + Y etc…  In practice, the politicians actions (even with the best intent) average out to whatever gives them more power/money.  Cap and trade was a perfect example. Scientists even hailed it as a “market” solution – selling an item with no value at a price set by the politicians who can alter the price of the commodity on a whim.   Sounds like a free market solution to me.

I have to wonder with the incredible ignorance of people who support the power mongers, will sanity ever return to Earth?

13 thoughts on “Free Thinking

  1. “scientists are just barely competent at communicating with the public and don’t have the wherewithal to do it.”

    Except for this particular article where Dr. Hansen overcame his own incompetence and lack of resources somehow and barely got his communication out against seemingly improbable odds. How does he do it time after time? lol


  2. ” Now Hansen is widely celebrated, he’s a triple A rated climatologist activist, advocate. ”

    One has to wonder, according to whom?, and why he is so highly rated?
    Are they related?

    The answer seems to lie in the next sentence Jeff Id wrote.
    ” An alarmist with no fear of retaliation for his overpaid government job or the quid-pro-quo payments/awards from pro-government, pro-socialism organizations. ”

    Jef Id asks,
    ” will sanity ever return to Earth? ”

    Seemingly not whilst politicians rule the roost, in all honesty, effectively unchecked.

    BTW – When was the politics or religions of earth ever sane?

    Power and control, that’s all it’s about, that’s all it has ever been about.
    The present “vehicle” of choice is the failed GH effect hypothesis and it’s bastard offspring AGW.

    But “we” learned all this long ago, then forgot it in our “busy lives”.
    As H. L. Mencken said,
    ” The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed
    (and hence clamorous to be led to safety)
    by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. ”

    And, as I would add,
    ” The hobgoblins have to be imaginary so that
    “they” can offer their solutions, not THE solutions. “

  3. Hmmm, how can a person [J. Hansen] still be employed by any government?… Hmmm, again and sorry… we here in Sweden have about 13x ‘Hansens’ to the dozen in gov’tal employment… me bad… 😯

    Brgds from Sweden

  4. To reverse doubts about “global warming”, James Hansen needs to address:

    1. This 1998 CSPAN recording:

    2. The 2009 Climategate e-mails:

    Two indelible records that DOCUMENT reasons for public concern:

    “The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda. Perceiving the truth has always been a challenge to mankind, but in the information age (or as I think of it, the disinformationage) it takes on a special urgency and importance.” – Dr. Michael Michael Crichton’s speech to the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco (23 September 2003):

    These records confirm government manipulation of information on:

    a.) Earths heat source the Sun and
    b.) Earths temperature, respectively.

    With kind regards,
    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo

  5. Jeff Id said:

    “…….stupid government policies are the norm rather than the exception.”

    How true……… will stay that way as long as we have a political elite that spends more time getting re-elected than managing problems on behalf of the American people.

    Maybe we could learn something from the Greeks by introducing real democracy. Our rulers should be selected at random from the general public. Technically this is called “Sortition”; we already select juries that way, so why not the US Congress?

    Read E.S. Staveley’s book to find out how it works:

  6. “Part of the problem, he said, was that the climate sceptic lobby employed communications professionals, whereas “scientists are just barely competent at communicating with the public and don’t have the wherewithal to do it.”

    There’s a stick to your ribs belly laugh !!!!!!!

  7. Some edit notes for you, Jeff:
    “or untaxed 501C’s paid ” no apostrophe. 501Cs.
    “the politicians actions” apostrophe – politicians’
    “the Achilles heal” – heel
    “Who really wants less for themselves or their kids. ” Question – question mark – “… or their kids?”
    It’s quite hilarious to see the Great AGW Machine whining about being overmatched and picked on. This is one instance where the Victimhood Ploy is gonna backfire bigtime.

  8. Dr. James Hansen was sent a copy of the message @5 with a request that he specifically respond to the documented
    misinformation about:

    a.) Earth’s heat source – The Sun, and
    b.) Earth’s temperature, respectively !

    If he replies to me directly, rather than here, I will post a copy of his reply here.

    Despite Big Brother’s looming shadow, all is well today.

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