Another Scientist Agrees

We cannot switch to these fake green solutions. Good article.

He advances nuclear over the rest of the nonsense, along with a gradual but not rushed shift from fossil fuel. The fossil fuel isn’t hurting anything and the damage is a complete hoax.

The only thing the good doc didn’t write was that, it is being done with intent.

From the abstract of his paper: Multiple scientific theories and measurements show that there is no climate crisis. Radiation forcing calculations by both skeptics and believers show that the carbon dioxide radiation forcing is about 0.3% of the incident radiation, far less than other effects on climate.

Which is exactly the graph I posted here and at WUWT the other day.

Now the ORANGE block on the bar on the left is NOT what global warming is. Global warming is the Gray bar – that you cannot see – on top of the orange bar on the left.

Perhaps one of the best statements used to cast doubt on the an approaching climate crisis is by Richard Lindzen,
perhaps the world’s leading authority on geological fluid motions:

“What historians will definitely wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that CO2 from human industry was a dangerous, planet destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world- that CO2, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison.”

Got to love Lindzen.

Dr. Manheimer uses the Kevlin scale to explain it:

Clearly in this period the temperature, averaged over many fluctuations, has increased by ~ 0.6oC, or ~0.2% of the
temperature on the Kelvin scale.

That’s what I’m telling you. The changes are too small to be measured in weather patterns.

2 thoughts on “Another Scientist Agrees

  1. What’s fun has been the recent (full last year) EU efforts to legally allow nuclear fission to “identify” or “trans” itself into “green and sustainable” energy.

    The math and the physics, of course, I leave to those better able to generate it. I can follow a math trail but these days my old mind is not quite supple enough to push new numbers up the learning curve. But narrative and rhetoric, I can and do. And it seems to me one way to engage our true-believing pessimistic doom-saying neighbors is to re-apply the narratives and rhetoric with which they are, oh so very, familiar.

    Something like:

    Modern energy technology is not binary. Don’t be trapped in a false dichotomy. Our civilization depends on a rich and diverse spectrum of energy systems. To say that one “side” of the spectrum is “green” and another is “toxic” (or brown or bad or destructive or “fossil fuels”) is just unscientific. The spectrum of energy includes everything from animal products (many people in the world still burn wood, or even cattle dung, to heat their homes and cook their meals) to tiny Einsteinian converters of mass into useful electricity (our space probes depend on “RTG”s that use unforced natural decay of *R*adio-isotopes to heat *T*hermocoupled electrical *G*enerators.) Both dung and RTGs produce only tiny fractions of the entire spread of human energy needs. But dung, at least, is a sustainable and renewable resource that is widely available and requires limited investment in the infrastructure of turbines or collector panels — often imported at great cost and waste — or even the electrical power-grid. So the innovations in low-cost locally-sourced “rocket stoves” has been a great boon to developing dung-burning communities …”

    Yadda yadda, getting the greens nodding along with phrases from their favorite hymn book they’ve heard and sung a hundred times before. But once engaged, they need to be reminded that “fossil fuels”, also, are not binary. Gas is not oil is not coal. Even coal is not binary. Brown coal to black coal: shale and lignite and subbituminous and bitumious and anthracite – There is no more utility in referring to “fossil fuels” than in using the word “Man” to incorrectly and exclusionarily refer to all “Human Beings”. Each has unique advantages of time and place and price and quantity. …

    It’s all BS, really.

    But it’s the flavor of BS the media consumes on a daily (hourly?) basis. IF we luke-warmers and deniers are ever going to get a seat at the table — remembering it’s all pot-luck — we need to prepare and bring a dish that’s a bit more appetizing to others than the family favorites we’re accustomed to serving among our own small gatherings.

    1. The all of the above mantra allows the gravy train to continue. I only want a seat at the table when energy capitalism is unfettered by fake regulatory chains. Other than that, they don’t deserve my time.

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