Stone Sober

Like cows farting to raise temperatures, post mathematical science strikes again and determines that human kidneys are proper high-sensitivity temperature detectors. Not only do they teleconnect to the entire planetary climate system, they express their output in stone frequency!!!! No longer do we need a global thermometer network, we have one built right in.

It’s so stupid, it’s jenius!!

Gateway Pundit – No it’s not a joke.

Using their model, the researchers found that by 2089, kidney stones due to heat would increase statewide by 2.2% from baseline in the “intermediate” future of RCP 4.5 and by 3.9% in RCP 8.5. Based on a baseline average cost per patient of more than $9,000, the researchers forecast that from 2025 to 2089, the total cost attributable to these excess kidney stones would be $56.6 million for RCP 4.5 and $99.4 million for RCP 8.5.

TWO POINT TWO percent!!

Good lord jackalopes, the sales of bud-light likely do more to create stones than tenths of a degree in temperature. Summertime must be a kidney stone disaster. One thing’s for sure though, the correlation between funding and mentioning climate science™ is very high.

5 thoughts on “Stone Sober

  1. FWIW

    Intensifying “post mathematical science”

    “”New Zealand might adopt new “UN” science curriculum without physics and chemistry”

    In comments at that Jo Nova item

    “There is an organisation in NZ called Family first. They are I assume a conservative minded group. I have nothing to do with them but they recently published an analysis of the RSE guidelines, the link for which, is above.

    The following comes from their analysis linked below.

    In Science, your child will “consider how biological sex has been constructed and measured over time” and “consider variations in puberty, including the role of hormone blockers.”

    In Technology, your child will “identify how gender expectations are embedded in technology, for example, in the design and style of power tools and other tools…” and “explore symbols linked to the gay and transgender rights movements.”

    In the Arts, your child will “consider plays with roles that do not conform to gender stereotypes.”

    In the Social Sciences, your child will be encouraged to explore the “…development and persistence of gender stereotypes (for example, by researching the #MeToo movement).”

    Bloody Hell!

  2. Hi Jeff

    O/T – another “vaccine” report

    FWIW – “Safe and Effective”

    “Western Australian vaccine adverse effects – shocking data revealed by Dr John Campbell today.

    “Quite incredible data when you consider that WA was virtually COVID free during 2021. Therefore, virtually none of these adverse reactions can be attributed to the actual virus infection. In other countries, most notably the US and Europe, those adverse reactions are being partly blamed on COVID to add confusion. This data reveals probably nearly all adverse reactions during the COVID waves/ Vaccination period was solely due to vaccines. 24X compared to non COVID vaccine shots. Extraordinary. ”

    Report at

    Click to access Western-Australia-Vaccine-Safety-Surveillance-Annual-Report-2021.pdf

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