Actual Freakin’ Congressman Pleads Guilty to Large Scale Vote Fraud. Nothing on the news. – Id was right again #3

This video was posted at Citizen Free Press. The reporter seems clueless regarding vote fraud in its current massively expanded state, but the congressman plead guilty to paying for votes based on manufactured ballots FOR REGISTERED NON-VOTERS.

He did that for years.

It is the precursor to the exact same system now being used in mail in ballots, and it follows the EXACT pattern I told you folks back in January 2020. Ballots are manufactured for previously registered non-voters and delivered to the ballot machines. You never have to wonder why the Democrats won’t let anyone clean the voting roles. It is because these are the valuable non-existent but amazingly reliable members of the Democrat base.

This happened in Pennsylvania, which I believe from data not presented by me as yet, is even a bit more corrupt than Georgia.

EDIT: It is important to note that as a matter of standard practice, pollsters include a significant bias in the polling for the “no evidence” vote fraud.

51 thoughts on “Actual Freakin’ Congressman Pleads Guilty to Large Scale Vote Fraud. Nothing on the news. – Id was right again #3

  1. I love the claim that “the media” is ignoring this. There are tons o’ articles. Here’s one:

    A career crook, is prosecuted and found guilty of bribing an election judge in a particular ward in South Philly (an area known for organized criminal activity) who was also brought up on charges, for voting fraud from 2014-2018, in mostly local elections.

    So this is evidence that election fraud is, in fact, investigated and prosecuted.

    But in the minds of conspiracy theorists, this is evidence of massive voter fraud on an enormous scale, in other years across the country, that isn’t investigated and prosecuted.

    I love it.

    Your theory makes no sense, Jeff.

  2. Not to mention – your description of the fraud scheme is whacked:

    What the judge of elections for the 39/36 would do during the scheme was – while the polling place was otherwise not busy – step into the machine and just add to the vote totals for specific candidates that were favored and supported by Myers,” Gibson said. “On Myers’ instructions, he would just flip the switch, add the vote tallies or extra votes to the candidates on the little machine. So then when the machine spits out the results at the end of the evening, it would have those fraudulent votes recorded within the tally.”

    But don’t let that get in the way of your fantasies about how this is an example of massive voter fraud.

  3. It’s also funny, because if you knew anything about that area, you’d know those guys, if anything, would prefer Trump over Biden. But mostly they just likely wouldn’t give a shit. The idea that they’re hardcore libruls, trying to make the whole country bow down under the “woke” authoritarian thumb, and willing to do anything to make sure that happens, is hilarious.

    1. Voting for dead people, that had nothing at all to do with this,” Gibson said. “Other family members might come in and say, ‘my husband’s not coming in.’ And they would cast a vote then for the husband, knowing that he was not going to appear at the polls

      No mention of the scheme you described.


      Zilch, Mada, bupkis.

      But don’t let that get in the way of your theories about massive conspiracies.

  4. Assistant US Attorney Eric Gibson said Myers’ bribes resulted in extra votes being “rung up” on the voting machines by signing in people who didn’t show up to vote. In one case, he had votes added to the tally without any corresponding paperwork.

  5. And Jeff –

    I’m just curious. How did you determine “Nothing on news?”

    There were a ton of articles. So “nothing on news” means you didn’t hear of it? And you didn’t even bother to do a simple Internet search?

    I’m not sure we could have a better example of how your reasoning by anecdotal experience leads you into obviously and unarguably wrong opinions.

    1. I have to say, the combination of being so obviously wrong even as you’re so completely confident that you’re absolutely right – well, it’s quite remakable.

    2. Jeff –

      This is just bizarre. Here’s what you said:

      Ballots are manufactured for previously registered non-voters and delivered to the ballot machines.

      No. That’s not what the scheme was.

      You were wrong.

      It’s obvious.

      Why on earth would you be claiming otherwise? It’s just bizarre.

        1. Jeff –

          There are multiple voter fraud schemes.

          None of them was what you described.

          Nada. Zilch. Niente. Zippo. Bupkis.

    3. And Jeff –

      This is no less bizarre. You said this:

      Nothing on the news

      No, that’s not true.

      You consider yourself some great voter fraud sleuth. The Sherlock Holmes of voter fraud?

      And you can’t even Google?


      1. Not much on the news, would that satisfy you?

        Congressman pleads guilty to large scale vote fraud and I’m still wrong?

        Maybe if OJ, said he did it, with a knife, in the kitchen?

        Naw, I’d still be wrong.

      2. Jeff –

        > Congressman pleads guilty…

        He hasn’t been in Congress for over 40 years.

        > to large scale vote fraud…

        It was mostly a fewocsl elections and you have zero evidence it changed any election outcomes.

        > and I’m still wrong?…

        Of course you were wrong. You said it was a particular fraud scheme (trying to say that it proved that fraud scheme existed in a massive scale). It wasn’t.

        It’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about.

        But do keep it up. It’s entertaining.

        1. It matches exactly what I’ve been telling you — for over two years.
          It matches the statistics.
          It is on numerous video’s.
          Congressman says he did it that way while pleading guilty.
          It matches the signature problems found.

          Jeff’s an idiot. — clearly

      3. Jeff –

        Your pathetic flailing continues to amuse.

        Is this what happened?:

        Ballots are manufactured for previously registered non-voters and delivered to the ballot machines

        Nope. Not even close.

        And btw, keep looking for those “mules.”

        Oh hey, did you check under that rock? There might be one there. Better check.

        1. Good point Jeff.

          And it’s not your fault I can’t see the “mules” delivering manufactured ballots to ballot machines, or the “Congressman” who pleaded guilty to that fraudulent scheme.

          But yeah, you don’t lie. Lol.

          1. Jeff –

            There are forms of a lack of accountability that fall short of “lying” in some technical senses but that are effectively being dishonest.

            Saying “Actual Freakin’ Congressman Pleads Guilty” about someone who hasn’t been Congress in over 40 years is a case on point. Your claim that your description matches the fraud schemes that took place is another example. And that’s without even bringing up the question of “mules” and the linkage there to:

            “It is the precursor to the exact same systemnow being used in mail in ballots, and it follows the EXACT pattern I told you folks back in January 2020

            But carry on. This clearly works for you. Nothing more needs to be said.

          2. If you are trying to make me mad, you might achieve it.

            You are a spammer with no freaking logic. I’ve answered everything you’ve denied at the bottom of this thread and you ignore it.


            It’s right there?

            right at the bottom.

            You scared?

          3. Jeff –

            You’ve answered nothing. You’ve avoided accountability for being wrong, by amusingly not “lying.”

            > If you are trying to make me mad, you might achieve it

            I realize that you’re prone to being emotional, but that’s not my fault. No, I’m not trying to make you mad. I’m trying for you to be freaking accountable.

            I might as well say “10 year-old Jeff Id refuses to be accountable.”

            And then say it’s my genius master plan to get you riled up when you point out that you haven’t been 10 years old for 40 years.

          4. Love you appeal to the authority of readers do you think that they will note your reference to a congressman without noting he hasn’t been in Congress for four decades? Do you think that they’ll note the parts of the quote that you left out? Do you think they’ll know the lack of any mention of mules? Or do you think they will note selectivity of the arguments that you’re making?

          1. I will note to readers, there’s prolly a reason why Jeff is ducking.

            Not mention there’s prolly a reason why Jeff won’t submit his absolute statistical “proof” of massive criminal activity to a community of people with a great deal of expertise in statistics – whereby he could leverage his absolute “proof” to create better public awareness of massive criminal activity perpetrated by Demz to deprive dear Donald of his rightful place as the American president.

            Yah, prolly a reason why he goes “Nanny, nanny boo boo, and I don’t have to do what you suggest that I do.”

          2. Jeff –

            You consistently run away from addressing problems with your arguments, and then whine like a schoolgirl begging me to again address issues I’ve already addressed

          3. No Joshie. I answered every point right wt the bottom of the thread.

            You refuse to admit even that.

  6. Jeff –

    Maybe you forgot what you said?


    Ballots are manufactured for previously registered non-voters and delivered to the ballot machines.

    That’s not what happened.

    It matches exactly what I’ve been telling you

    No it doesn’t. None of the fraud schemes match your description.

    1. If you listen to the video (or read the quote I provided) you will find that the congressman did this more than one way.

      One of them is exactly what he said happened.

    2. No, Jeff –

      The articles I linked described the various forms of voter fraud he used. They quoted law enforcement officials who described the fraud schemes. And none of them match your description.

      You tied to say this was some kind of example that makes your ranting about massive voter fraud more plausible.

      You failed.

      But it is amusing that you’re appealing to the authority of a freakin’ teevee guy as opposed to the people investigating the crime.

      Just goes to show how ridiculous is your attitude about appeals to authority is

      1. In fact, even the fraud that the teevee guy described doesn’t match your description.

        But I guess you’re going to see whatever you want to see, irrespective of what actually happened (or what the law enforcement or even the teevee guys says happened).

      2. Now I get why you think you’re right so much. Because you’re not willing to acknowledge when you’re wrong even when it’s completely obvious.

        1. If you only knew,

          You just have to use a fact to be right. So far you don’t read the quote and bill barr said.

          I’m have to see what the next thing I’m wrong about is.

          1. OK Jeff, it’s quite clear that you’re going to think that someone described

            “manufactured ballots FOR REGISTERED Non-voters”


            “[ballots] manufactured for previously registered non-voters and delivered to the ballot machines”

            Whether anyone did so or not. So knock yourself out.

          2. I’m thinking given how active your fantasy life is, you’re prolly imagining they talked about “mules” also.

          3. And “actual freakin’ congressman” was good, also.

            Did you even check? Did you realize he hasn’t been in Congress for over 40 years?

            Now don’t lie, Jeff.

          4. Oh, i like to stir folks up.

            He was an actual freakin congressman. Was… congressman etc.

            I once stirred the pot so carefully, that lewandowsky wrote and published 3 psychology papers including me. I’ve been on death lists and even climategate happened right on this blog.

            It’s hilarious how far people will jump with the right wording, i don’t lie, i do admit error and damn it can make a huge mess.

          5. Right.

            All part if your plan. You make idiotic and doubly wrong arguments just to trip me up.

            What a genius!

          6. Look princess, I don’t agree with you. The friggin sky is blue and gravity still works. That you don’t want to believe, is totally on you and your doctor.

          7. THE QUOTE IS: “Even casting fraudulent ballots for people who never made it to the polls. ”

            1. Casting a ballot requires a ballot to be filled out.
            2. It requires them to deliver it to the counting machine
            3. It requires access to the list of registered non voters to be able to cast the ballot for those “not at the polls”.

            Same stuff.

            On video, in court, statistically proven and you are flat wrong — again.

          8. Is this what happened?:

            Ballots are manufactured for previously registered non-voters and delivered to the ballot machines

            Nope. Not even close.

            Exactly what the quote says.

            THE QUOTE IS: “Even casting fraudulent ballots for people who never made it to the polls. ”

            1. Casting a ballot requires a ballot to be filled out.
            2. It requires them to deliver it to the counting machine
            3. It requires access to the list of registered non voters to be able to cast the ballot for those “not at the polls”.


    It’s a crime. Two crimes. But maybe not “fraud”. Hard to tell if we don’t investigate.

    I can be charitable and imagine a perfectly plausible and even honorable (if still illegal) scenario. Say there is a minimum print job number for any ballot “style”. The print won’t set up for a run of less than 25 ballots. Say, too, there is a precinct or jurisdiction that only has some smaller number of registered voters — 5? So once 5 mail ballots are sent out and received back from the precinct, there exist an excess of 20 blank, unused, and SHOULD NEVER BE USED ballots. So a clerk takes opportunity to go get them and dump them in the recycle bin. No fraud. Maybe even a good thing — less paper to handle and account for after election day.

    But, the law says a worker can’t go in there except at — whatever time is specified. The law says workers are like critters on Noah’s Ark, to go in two-by-two — each watching the other. The laws exist for a reason. And evidence of law-breaking deserves to be examined whether or not it’s “insufficient to affect the outcome of an election.”

    I suspect there are other laws about disposing of unused ballots. Putting them in unsecured recycle bins looks prone to abuse, to my eyes.

    It would be SO much simpler to follow the laws and conduct fair elections if we didn’t have so MANY processes: machines, absentee, early, proportional …

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