My Question Is Finally Answered – Michael Mann is NOT a Fraud.

Michael Mann was awarded $1 million dollars from Mark Steyn for the simple fact that Mark called Mann’s hockey stick publications fraudulent. The verdict is of course ridiculous as Mann claimed he was financially hurt by the claim, but what really hurt Mann’s reputation was that his hockey stick work is completely bogus. This doesn’t mean Mann is a fraud, it means that he has choices. These are the two I see available to him:

1 – Mann is too stupid to know that his work is bogus and really believes in what he did.

2 – Mann is a fraud.

Apparently Mann believes in his work so much that he used other peoples money to win money from a conservative in a DC court where we all know common sense cannot defend a conservative. It appears then tho that Mann has chosen option 1.

Never assume malice where incompetence will do. 

Unfortunately, even being right cannot defend you from critiquing the climate religious these days. It’s complete heresy to suggest that there may be bad science in the field of climate. It’s dangerous to even write a post like this, you could even be contacted by the British Secret Service. Certainly, you could be doxxed by the guardian, or be placed on lists and called out by the gaian religious in actual newspapers for execution. People could then even write psychology papers using your name as a specific example while defaming your character. As long as you are a leftist, you are fine to act how you wish. Long time readers know these things happened.

But no, critiquing a man who comes up with multiple methods of automatically deleting data that doesn’t match his hoped for result and keeping the data that does, could cost you a million dollars. Even though your critique is completely 100% correct.

“I hope this verdict sends a message that falsely attacking climate scientists is not protected speech,” Mann said in a statement

The Washington Compost

Next Mann is going after the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which is the real goal of this charade. Stifling any critique of serial climate liars, not just Michael Mann’s apparently incompetent work. 

I have had several conversations with climate scientists over the years about Mann, I find him mathematically so competent that it is nearly impossible for me to believe his work is not intentionally fraudulent, however I don’t actually know that it is not stupidity. Basically I have asked others opinions on this several times and received a variety of answers, several of which agreed with Steyn. I guess they were wrong. So to end this over-long blog post, apparently Mann chooses option 1, stupidity and incompetence. At least the courts cleared that question up for me.  

Anthony Watts of WUWT has this article as well.

29 thoughts on “My Question Is Finally Answered – Michael Mann is NOT a Fraud.

  1. Just heard about the verdict from another site and went to CFP to find out more. It brought me here. I am heartbroken for Mr. Steyn. I don’t care if they are malicious or just stupid. They are hurting people in all kinds of ways and they are destroying freedom and flourishing. It has to stop!

  2. This is not about philosophy or religion. This is not about paradise or Hell. It is about life or death. Unless we change what we are doing; reduce our destructive tendencies and stop acting to destroy everything that sustains life on this planet, we are all going to die and kill everything else as we do it. We cling to false hope while we continue to kill and destroy. In the greater cosmic view… we are nothing and the loss of the only living planet we are aware of, will not be noticed.

    1. I don’t see any science in this rant. Typical of the climate alarmist sect. Of course human activity affects the climate. The radicals believe that all climate change is caused by humans. That is a political view not based in science. There is no peer reviewed study that supports that conclusion.

    2. Climate change certainly is a religion.

      Once again the whole climate change agenda is revealed as being more akin to a religion.

      One particularly well-known Catholic method of exploitation in the Middle Ages was the practice of selling indulgences , a monetary payment of penalty which, supposedly, absolved one of past sins and/or released one from purgatory after death.

      One particularly well-known climate method of exploitation in the current Ages is the practice of selling indulgences, a monetary payment of carbon credits which, supposedly, absolved one of current climate sins and/or released one from purgatory after releasing carbon emissions on a massive scale.

      Not to mention those carbon credits are wildly profitable.

    3. Yeah, if we don’t prevent those alarmists from taking over immediately, the whole world is surely to end. Pretty soon, no one will be able to say anything at all in public. I think it might even happen tomorrow.

      Fortunately, my bunker is built from steel-reinforced concrete. I’m pretty sure that’s the only way I’ll be able to survive the onslaught from all these alarmists.

    4. Do you have any sense? Do you do ANY research for yourself or do you just listen to the brain dead liars that are doing NOTHING themselves to stop any of this. THE same people that spout this CRAP have their own private jets, their huge homes right next to the water. AND NONE of the claims have come true since any of this crap started. HOW soon are you going to wake up and realize you have been dooped and lied to.

  3. I posted your link at CFACT and at a Conservative Community of patriots “The New Americanist,” so it is getting even more coverage.

  4. Apparently the only kind of science that is awarded a judgement in DC is Political Science. The climate change agenda is the only agenda (real science) can support. Remember the Scientific Consensus? Therefore any challenges to the credibility of published science supporting the climate change agendas is an attack on science itself. 

  5. I’ve known all about Mann for years. He became a poster-boy for climate change before the ink was even dry on his PhD, all because of his ridiculously flawed temperature reconstructions. He truly is incompetent; not to mention a devout leftist. He and his pals from that “Real Climate” sewer are nothing but activists, masquerading as scientists. They have completely corrupted the peer-review process when it comes to climate science; only studies that support their agenda ever get published these days. Several of their colleagues have simply left academia, rather than deal with their aggressive malevolence. They even tried to blackmail and then railroad one of the most eminent statisticians of our time, Edward Wegman, simply because he had the audacity to demonstrate Mann’s incompetence. Mann didn’t know squat about how to properly account for the disparate nature of his data. Wegman showed what a poor job he did, so they proceeded to disingenuously trash his character. Pure leftist. Pure evil.

    1. Due to my unsolicited but overwhelming exposure to the LEFT, and their dystopian fixation on any and all anthropological dooms day scenarios, I have come to believe that they will manipulate data in as many ways possible to support their agenda. This temptation for scientists to be so engrained with their beliefs that they are right, is nor restricted to the LEFT. It’s just the LEFT never is conflicted by conscience when the data does not support their conclusions. Why? The LEFT has no conscience. This is why I accept everything you have stated about this matter to be true.

  6. John Clauser won tthe Nobel Prize in physics in 2022. Now he questions what the Bezos Post calls “the overwhelming scientific consensus on a warming planet”. So they attack him.

    Here’s some science: Texas A&M climate research in 2014 published “Asian emissions disrupting weather patterns over North America” This was 100% ignored by every “news” network and all the “news” magazines. It’s called the “Northern Pacific Storm Track it’s where our weather comes from.

    “Climate Change” is CHINA MESSING UP OUR WEATHER. Did the squealing piglet Mann–or any of the others–say one word when Shill Clinton and Goreleone were slamming through “free trade” with China that produced these results? And did the Big Bore start saying “climate change” instead of “global warming”?

    Anybody but a brainwashed idiot or those who worship at the Church of the Studiously Ignorant could miss how corrupt “science” is now after the ‘”overwhelming evidence” of VACCINE INJURY that is BEING SYSTEMATICALLY SUPPRESSED BY THE CORPORATE SO-CALLED NEWS. See Sharyl Attkisson’s “Full Measure” site for replays of her show with all kinds of evidence including MDs who have treated vax injured people with the testimonials of the patients.

    1. Dishonesty has infected our culture at every level. Telling the truth and always telling the truth was once a standard. Today it is a political and economic liability in the eyes of the majority.



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