The Hockey Stick Data Hoax – reposted

From back in the day where we learned the types of GAMES Mann was playing with data.  You wonder why people say mean things to a scientist of his stature?  I don’t.

I said it again.  Hoax!  The more I learn about hockey stick graphs, the worse it is.

The graph below is from a very important group of data in the M08 latest hockey stick.   This represents an average of 105 of the 1209 data sets used in  M08 or 8.6%.  But wait, the “CALIBRATION” process eliminates bad correlation data series so only 484 of the 1209 were kept in the final calculation.  Of the 484 series which were kept 95 of them were from this very same set of proxies. Mann08 used 95 of these series in the final 484 or 20% of his data.

Proxies are not known to be temperature.  The process of calibration is used to determine if proxies are temperature by pattern matching to measured temperature in the last 100 years.  Well I like trees but they are lousy thermometers. There is a buzzword in the field called DIVERGENCE, everything in climatology is so politicized they can’t call a turd a turd.  Divergence means “doesn’t really match temperature”.  Well guess what 20% of the data right off the top doesn’t match temperature very well so our brilliant scientists who are saving us from CO2 plant food, did the honorable thing and CHOPPED THE DATA THEY DIDN’T LIKE RIGHT OFF THE END!

The last 38 inconvenient years of data for these series were truncated, chopped, amputated, excised and cut from the data.

This is not the end.  Mann08 feeling pretty cocky after pushing the other magic papers through the IPCC is emboldened in the face of the publicity they actually PASTED FAKE DATA ON THE END OF THE SERIES.

The new fake data has a nice smooth and not noisy temperature rise, they then compare the fake data to the temperature value and with great fanfare determined that over 90% of the measurement of tree hardwood series are actually TEMPERATURE.

Well Steve McIntyre has just yesterday after waiting for years (i believe) brought about the release of the REAL data to the public.  We didn’t know what the REAL data would look like but those who are suspicious of huge government funded studies that don’t show their calculations HAD A PRETTY GOOD IDEA WHY WE COULDN’T SEE IT.

Guess what, we weren’t disappointed.

The data to the right of the yellow line is the modified data in question. The light purple line is the real data, data which was easily available at the authors of M08 request but they didn’t want it.  The blue to the right side of the yellow line is the modified fake bull crap data M08 ACTUALLY USED.

What’s more, it was well known that these series had a divergence (ain’t really temperature) problem.  Here is my favorite section in the whole paper.

Because of the evidence for loss of temperature sensitivity after 1960 (1), MXD data were eliminated for the post-1960 interval. The RegEM algorithm of Schneider (9) was used to estimate missing values for proxy series terminating before the 1995 calibration interval endpoint, based
on their mutual covariance with the other available proxy data over the full 1850–1995 calibration interval.

This means exactly what I have been explaining, “loss of sensitivity” means “divergence” which means “ain’t really temperature”

Rather than use the real, available, easy for them to get data.  Data which was not easy for guys like McIntyre who don’t support the hockey sticks.  They used chopped off data which they added FAKE and KNOWN TO BE FALSE data on the end.

In the paragraph above when they use the term “loss of sensitivity” they are admitting they KNOW IT ISN’T TEMPERATURE. They know exactly what they are doing, if this were a criminal trial they would be going to jail.

Another point I have to make is that this end section is critical in setting the magnification values to determine how many degrees each fake tree unit represents.  A flatter set of data results in higher amplification to  match temperature, a steeper set of data results in lower magnification to match temperature.

Finally, 20% of the data series in the picture below is COMPLETELY FABRICATED! You have to look through the pretty colored red lines to find it but it is in there.

What a joke this science is.  We all owe a big thanks to Climate Audit for getting to the real data.

I need an asprin.

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