An Education for The Election Coincidence Theorists

Gateway Pundit

4 thoughts on “An Education for The Election Coincidence Theorists

  1. I decided to investigate one of his claims at random. I chose the claim that there were more ballots cast in Pennsylvania, than there were recorded voters.

    This is false. The Department of State quickly debunked that claim after it was made my state representatives:

    ”We are unclear as to what data the legislators used for this most recent “analysis.” But the only way to determine the number of voters who voted in November from the SURE system is through the vote histories. At this time, there are still a few counties that have not completed uploading their vote histories to the SURE system. These counties, which include Philadelphia, Allegheny, Butler and Cambria, would account for a significant number of voters.”

    ( )

    Indeed, now that the relevant data entry into the SURE system is complete, the number of voters exceeds the number of presidential votes cast:

    ”Today, SURE shows 6,979,668 Pennsylvanians voted in the 2020 election. Compared to 6,915,283 who voted for one of the three presidential candidates – Joe Biden, Donald Trump, or Jo Jorgensen.”

    ( )

    As this establishes John Eastman as a liar, I can only assume the rest of his rapid fire claims are also lies.


    1. So Nepal, are you claiming that the explanation is that cities uploaded a sufficient number of voters after the election, and that Eastman’s claim was based on the number of voters on the day of the election?

      1. The total vote count was tallied first, because that is needed to call the election.

        In the following days, various associated metadata was uploaded to other databases for public use.

        Republicans combed through this metadata before it was complete, which obviously led to discrepancies.

        1. The claim is over 100,000 voters added. I believe that you would find that in 100 percent of past elections in the united states, there were not hundreds of thousands of voters added after election day. I wonder if any were ever added AFTER the election. Still Eastman’s claim was that the numbers went up by 16,000, not over 100,000, leaving the claim unaddressed. I was unable to determine if he was referring to a region inside the state or the entire state so I don’t know how to verify this.

          It certainly seems like the easiest claim to verify and I am highly suspicious of the veracity of it simply because I’ve always said, the ballots exist, the problem is the non-voters who are moved, out of state, illegal, in prison and just uninterested who’s ballots were cast for them.

          It’s like this, each ballot is assigned to a voter anyway. Making more ballots without adding voters simply doesn’t work in my mind. You need to assign them. It is quite possible the ballots were made illegally and voters were added afterward to cover. This method would minimize fraud required to flip an election and would match the Pennsylvania observation of 18 nearly 100% biden ballot returns that happened even days after the regular election was decided. So I think Eastman is likely wrong, but the ballots were likely faked and assigned to new voters after the fact.

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