Citizen Free Press Found this Beauty – Dan Rather Lying for the Climate Cabal in 1982

The “scientists” were claiming that sea level was rising at an ever increasing rate even way back in 1982 which is prior to the sea level satellite era and pre-internet for all intents and purposes. You can see the corruption of science clearly that this was a very false claim being made by the “scientists”.

They were fanatical liars even back then. The rate of sea level rise has not changed in response to human activity whatsoever. It didn’t in 1982 and it hasn’t since then either. Sea level is rising a little, but it was already rising before the airplane was invented and we tiny humans with our insanely powerful industries have STILL not been able to cause any detectable change in it whatsoever.

Anyone who says CO2 has altered sea level rise — is an unscientific liar selling you something else. AKA — FAKE news.

The lack of curvature in these graphs means that sea level has been doing the exact same thing since before the internal combustion engine was used. Widespread adaptation of cars, trucks, trains, aircraft, boats, coal power electric generation, gas electric generation, massive cement production, and cow farts have done precisely ZERO to the rate of sea level rise. The same rate has been going on for over a century and a half and likely will for the next century and a half.

Graphs like this —

Are not scientific. They are combined models and sea level with time based filters to make them appear continuous. The model data – red – is based on climate models which statistically over-predict warming and can be stated to have scientifically failed to represent the climate.

Below is the tide gauge data from the Virginia key which our scientists cherry picked this region from hundreds of tide gauge plots to find a microscopic uphook at 2010. Sea level rise in Florida is the same as anywhere else in the oceans, but you have a different ground level change as a baseline in different reasons. Remember, you can’t fill just one side of a glass and not the others so TRUE sea level rise is the same across the globe.

Here is another station really close by to Virginia Key

The scientists of climate change who blather about accelerating sea level rise, are charlatans living off the government teat and nothing else. As one published in this field a long time ago, I would be embarrassed were I one of them.

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