Test because I can’t post

This is only a test. My posts are coming out blank.

17 thoughts on “Test because I can’t post

  1. I am not sure what is going wrong with posting but it is not censorship or anything other than a crappy editor. Something stupid happens causing the title to show with an entirely blank post below it.

    This last time I left the editor opened and re-pasted the post in its entirety leading to the same result — no post. When I pieced it back together an item at a time, I got a complete post which is ridiculous.

    Not sure what to do about it in the future.

  2. Well, they’ve always been devoid of meaning and logic so it’s not really thst much of a change.

      1. Just goes to show how broken you world view is. I don’t listen to MSNBC or Dan Rather. But in your mind I must because you’re content to operate out of ignorance based on limited experience.

        1. I know by now that you are unaware of your shortcomings Josh but you have again been unable to articulate how your alleged non-watching of MSLSD indicates a flaw in my world view.

          1. Lol.

            “aalleged” not watching MSNBC.

            Just perfect. You’re convinced that I watch MSNBC without any evidence whatsoever. Just your mistaken prejudices. Yet you’re confident that because you have a stereotype it must be true.

            Seriously, it wouldn’t be possible to come up with better evidence of how severely broken your epistemics are. You think I should have to prove a negative in order to convince you that your fantasies don’t reflect reality.

      1. You’re beloved 2000 Mules had to be taken down because it couldn’t stand up in court, and you’re worried about some “fools.”


  3. Support JeffId and rail against low IQ thought processes and comments. Conservative individuals are typically intellectually more astute than the so called educated alite……

    1. Lol.

      Go ahead, do provide evidence in support of the analysis that’s clearly a product of your superior IQ.

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