Esteemed Doctor, Coincidence Theorist and Deputy Director of the NIH — Dr. Tabak

That is a lot of titles. The NIH has decided to provide a critical update to human mental software. If your mind is not running “Human Scatology version”, head immediately to the NIH home page press download to begin. ALERT: This is a critical update!!

So the NIH has now admitted to performing gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab in China. This research was performed under Trump’s watch and at the direction of Dr. Fauci by EcoHealth Alliance. This research was on bat corona virus and was being done using the exact same types of spike proteins and virus combinations as were discovered in the COVID 19 virus. Like 120,000 Democrat-only votes showing up in one location for the first time ever, we are now to believe that this is simply a coincidence that COVID 19 originated in Wuhan and had the same characteristic virus and spike protein combinations as the Gain-of-Function research performed in Wuhan, by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in conjunction with CHINA. We are fully expected to keep in mind COVID 19 is still absolutely and assuredly of natural origin.

It depends on what your definition of “is” is.

It is only a coincidence that for YEARS, we were told it wasn’t gain-of-function research being done by Fauci and others, in sworn testimony!! We were called conspiracy theorists despite all evidence pointing to the man made development of this virus. Medicines which protected from the virus were withheld. Some folks right here at this site told me I didn’t know what I was talking about and somehow they knew better. What year is it now?

Yesterday we were told that the conspiracy is still a coincidence even though they admit to performing gain-of-function research on covid virus at the very location (and timeframe) that COVID 19 was released. Like vote fraud, one must consider how is it possible that such widespread knowledge in the medical world is not exposed outright across all government and media outlets globally. Below is from an application written by Daszak for EcoHealth Alliance in 2014 to build and test COVID 19 in Wuhan lab.

Specific Aim 3: Testing predictions of CoV inter-species transmission.  We will test our models of host range (i.e. emergence potential) experimentally using reverse genetics, pseudovirus and receptor binding assays, and virus infection experiments in cell culture and humanized mice. With bat-CoVs that we’ve isolated or sequenced, and using live virus or pseudovirus infection in cells of different origin or expressing different receptor molecules, we will assess potential for each isolated virus and those with receptor binding site sequence, to spill over.  We will do this by sequencing the spike (or other receptor binding/fusion) protein genes from all our bat-CoVs, creating mutants to identify how significantly each would need to evolve to use ACE2, CD26/DPP4 (MERS-CoV receptor) or other potential CoV receptors.  We will then use receptor-mutant pseudovirus binding assays, in vitro studies in bat, primate, human and other species’ cell lines, and with humanized mice where particularly interesting viruses are identified phylogenetically, or isolated. These tests will provide public health-relevant data, and also iteratively improve our predictive model to better target bat species and CoVs during our field studies to obtain bat-CoV strains of the greatest interest for understanding the mechanisms of cross-species transmission.

Dr Tabak, Deputy Director of the NIH gave testimony where he admitted the government performs gain of function research with the caveat that they do it all the time. As though there is ‘nothing to see here folks’. Then he adds for those of you still not paying attention, this research is not regulated because the research poses “NO THREAT OR HARM TO ANYBODY”. All part of the new human software download.

This research IS regulated BTW, just not well enough. That is a topic for another time however.

Watch Tabak dance for yourself right here — it’s a short video, even a gen Z could make it to the end.

So there it is Democrat sheople, now it is ok to believe in Gain of Function research in Wuhan lab, and despite using the same virus and spike proteins, during exactly the same timeframe as COVID 19, this research had nothing to do with COVID 19 whatsoever.

And it is completely harmless.

All this will make sense after you download your critical software update — “Human Scatology version”

Be well.

One thought on “Esteemed Doctor, Coincidence Theorist and Deputy Director of the NIH — Dr. Tabak

  1. No comments from the liberal inept mental midget fanatics? Truth is a sharp edge against stupidity!!!

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