A Vent About Politics

I had the opportunity to have several extended conversations with a gentleman originally from East Germany who owns his own very successful business in the US. It’s amazing and interesting to hear the stories of people who have lived under socialist governments. They tell stories of governments simply making the accusation of fraud and destroying peoples lives, threats by police and the intimidation of the tax collectors. I take every opportunity to listen to those who have experienced it.

This gentlemen told how at 11 years old his family fell out of favor with the government when his 15 year old brother escaped. At 11 years old the police took him to a cell where he was tied to a chair with bright lights in his face where they screamed, threatened, promised and intimidated him to try and get the location of his older brother. The interrogation culminated with the dry firing of a handgun against the side of his 11 year old head.

At 13 his Mother and Father packed everything they could carry into four suitcases and took a train which passed through uncontrolled territory. The train was scheduled to make a single stop and continue on its way. The family of 3 ran from the train. German guards held machine guns pointed at the families backs, American guards had machine guns trained on the Germans. Noone fired. The 13 year old boy, his mother and actually very sick father lived that day.

This event happened about 40 years ago, and the first thing I want to say is that this is yet another of the millions of examples where the USA put our own son’s on the line to do the right thing for the world. Europe would do well to remember these not too small favors. The second thing I would like to say is that the staunchest conservatives in America are not those raised in religious households but rather those who know the ugly side of government.

This man fears everything about what America is becoming. The striking similarities in taxation and government response. Politicians living outside the law. How many politicians have been recently caught not paying their taxes and getting away without punishment. What would happen to us if we did that? How many politicians have committed what would be considered crimes for us and been exonerated? This gentlemen sees the parallels very clearly!

What he fears more, is the importing of millions of illegals which is going on at a moment by moment basis. They cross his property and have no understanding of what our US government is intended to be. They do know they receive shelter from our Democrat party and in return they vote illegally for Democrats so they can be free.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stood proudly before a gathering of many illegal aliens and declared they are “…very, very patriotic.” Our country’s federal ICE agents, responsible for helping control illegal aliens, are damaging the very core of our heritage, the family, according to her. These agents risking their lives to help control the challenges of illegal aliens, are suddenly unpatriotic.

Nancy Pelosi is the worst example of an evil and immoral politician who craves power above any sort of reason. She is also very powerful, enough so that I fear her a bit while writing this blog. She does not stand for freedoms, she does not stand for our success, she supports nothing but personal power, taxation and subjugation dressed up in a saccharine smile and double talk. Yet people fall for it.

My new friend described how the constant message of the East German government was helping the little people, the disheveled, those without proper food, health, education and wealth redistribution. Those of us who already know this aren’t surprised in any way, this is the happy message of socialism. The same message which has resulted in the death of millions, poverty, starvation and the stifling of individual thought.

Global warming is actually the recent keystone of the movement, all solutions are attacks on the very thing which drives our prosperity—energy. Biofuels, solar and geothermal and conservation cannot work, there’s not enough energy. Nuclear fission, clean coal and others which do work are considered bad alternatives.

The recent cooling of the earth is creating a huge problem for the politicians so the initial policies need to be formed this year if possible before the public realizes the problem is vastly exaggerated. Cap and trade is just the beginning, it is an obvious mechanism to make large industry which drives the world prosperity, less effective. Small industry cannot build cars and planes, it’s simply impossible. The taxation can only be effective in it’s stated goal by reduction/destruction of prosperity, the effects of which are obvious across the world.

While our expatriated socialist friends warn of the coming storm, our foolish masses indoctrinated en. mass by the government controlled liberal school systems, drive forward directly into the trap. The only way all the global warming facts on policy vs solutions fit together is if the global warming movement is a political one rather than a scientific one. A political movement to socialism and added power for those in charge. Of course none of this means that some global warming may be true.

I’ll leave you with a comment from our unAmerican president which to me says it all.

Barack Obama: I think that… we have been slow to move in a better direction when it comes to energy usage. And the president, frankly, hasn’t had an energy policy.* And as a consequence we’ve been consuming energy as if it’s infinite. We now know that our demand is badly outstripping supply with China and India growing as rapidly as they are.

CNBC’s John Harwood: So could the (high) oil prices help us?

Barack Obama: I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment. The fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing. But if we take some steps right now to help people make the adjustment, first of all by putting more money in their pockets, but also by encouraging the market to adapt to these new circumstances more rapidly, particularly U.S. automakers…

You don’t have to be a genius to read between those lines. You do need to be a fool not to….

25 thoughts on “A Vent About Politics

  1. Socialism is not communism Jeff, in the same way that capitalism does not equal ‘Corporations get away with anything’.

  2. world socialism is explained here in the new world order.
    Jeff, do not click on link because you might blow a tube 🙂
    his last one for march 03/28/09 is on the four horsemen and BO being primed for the new world leader.
    I saw a date for 2018/2020 for food shortage. based on 1650-1710 ….
    1645 2000 , 1660 2010 , 1670 2020 1690 was the worst, 20 years of cooling. I say they screw it up so it will happen sooner.
    [audio src="http://podcast.jvim.com/audio/0911.mp3" /]
    this one is on science,

  3. “Socialism is the close cousin of communism. Those who have lived it know.”

    That’s just nonsense. You don’t get to change the system under communism; you do under socialism – that’s the major difference and it’s the important one. East Germany was not a socialist state, it was a communist state.

  4. We are seeing the re-emergence of Tammany Hall within our federal government. Catering to illegal immigrants is akin to Tammany Hall catering to the immigrants to gain and retain power (read corrupt) in New York politics. Our country is being seized by those in government who want the “save” the world from whatever the flavor of the month is deemed.

  5. #5 I have voted in every election. This time I watched Acorn corrupt the national election and instead of punishment they received $$. You might believe the vote can stop government but I am not that naive. It’s only different levels of control.

    Is Venezuela socialist or communist?

  6. Corrupt politicians don’t exist solely in socialist/communist states.
    Not being an American, I can’t quote you chapter & verse, but I’d bet that many politicians were happily taking bribes from the likes of Al Capone and I’d not be surprised to find that that epitomy of anti-communism McCarthy didn’t declare all to the IRS.
    The name Richard Millhouse Nixon does come to mind too.
    Perhaps there is a silver lining to this dark cloud of recession/depression that currently envelopes us. More people will be concentrating upon essentials, leaving less time for politicians without anything useful to do, to dig up some cause or other, to self-promote.

  7. #9 – Politics and corruption (and inefficiency and incompetence) go hand in hand everywhere. It is the nature of the beast. That is why limiting the power and scope of government is a good thing. Here in the U.S. we used to respect the liberty of the individual, but massive illegal immigration without assimilation plus a generation of “progressive” public education have eroded that quality. Hopefully not past the point of no return.

  8. Please keep in mind that liberals are not necessarily socialists, much less communists. In a historical sense, the USA has done quite well in opposing the tendancy of a federal government becoming either the Nanny state or the State of Big Brother. I happen to be liberal by most definitions. However, I am a citizen of the the USA. What this means, is that I understand and support when Nazis, Klue Klux Klan, or communists exercise their rights of free speech. I do not like or agree with what they say. But as an adult citizen, I realize censorship by the state is worse. Censorship, and many other well intentioned restrictions can be subverted. You can always ignore self-proclaimed saviors. They are a bit common. Don’t believe me, read Al Gore or IPCC and get a load of salvation.

    I don’t need salvation. I need workable systems. The problem with many liberal (and conservative) litmus options they give you, is that they are simply unworkable and/or have falsifiable assumptions. Do not let the current crop of liberals blind you to the many battles won for the common US citizen by the forces of liberalism. Also, do not let corrupt conversatives spoil your appreciation of the well thought guidance that has come from the conservative side. We, the USA are stronger because of our differences, not despite these differences, and our recognition of the God (choose diety of your own or none at all, as far as I am concerned) given inaleinable rights that forces us to extend our common vision past the petty quarrels that derail other nations, and actually focus on what our constitution says about promoting the common good. Once you understand the way our Bill of Rights forces our government, if they want to be supported legitimately as proposed in our constitution, to recognize the inalienableness of our rights, you can easily tell those who believe in the Constitution and those who just give lip service. You don’t need me to point out who supports those rights and who just give lip service. There are many self-proclaimed liberals and self proclaimed conservatives who give lip service.

    After all, in an open free speech country, they cannot resist expressing themselves nor prevent a citizen from determining where they stand, as long as we stay free. Keep a scorecard. I do!

  9. #11 You’re right that the US has a good track record. In each instance historically, American’s stood up (quite vocally) to stop the idiocy. People need to stand up against the current government in order to prevent it from becoming the nanny state the current liberals want it to be. You are certainly right that these liberals are not the same as the past ones. As you point that today’s conservatives are certainly not the solution. IMHO, the current group of conservatives are very difficult to distinguish from the liberals.

    Anyway, I probably shouldn’t make posts like this, it certainly doesn’t help my blog grow but sometimes I just need to say it. I didn’t expect this to be a global warming blog from the beginning, it was just a place to vent. It’s amazing my little blog has grown to the level it has (I am thankful), and that comes with a bit of responsibility to my AGW readers. I may work to tone it down in the future.

  10. #13, I clipped the F bombs. It wastes my time to do it. When McCain was nominated there was no possible good vote for me either. Palen is too young, she just isn’t old enough or well studied enough to understand the nature of what’s going on.

    I have a lot of respect for McCain, I just don’t agree with his cooperative attitude. At least the Dems know how to win..

  11. Honestly, the bailouts (loans to keep liquidity going in the financial markets) made sense from the start in my opinion. There was chaos everywhere, as nobody knew what assets were worth, and lending would have shut down (this, I think, is obvious). This would lead to the collapse of many unrelated businesses across the country that rely on healthy amounts of credit (as well as those that are overleveraged). Once the chaos calmed down, and people knew how large the losses were likely to be, that should have been the end of it*.

    When we started buying corporations and writing $1Trillion bills for “stimulus”, we got into some big trouble. This needs to be stopped, and should have been stopped before the 1st Obama bill.

    *Subprime loans are not worthless. Say the initial assumption for these people was a 3% forclosure rate; the banks charge an interest rate and recover on home repos such that they account for these losses and profit, expenses, etc. If the recoveries on repos drop 20-40%, as they have, and forclosure rates increase, the banks will lose a large amount of money. However, in this example, 95% of them are still paying their mortage, and there are still recoveries on sold properties. Im not sure how these are being valuated, but if they are truly being counted as “worthless”, the problem is not as big as it seems.

  12. Jeff,

    I live in Canuckistan which is way more socialist than the US. We have our nuiscenes like the Human Rights Tribunals and the ban on private medical insurance. On the other hand, we have policians who understand the value of a balanced budget and taxes have been coming down for years.

    Forbes recently ranked Canada as the #3 best place to do business.

    IOW, I think you protest too much and you are better off focusing on specific policies that are a problem instead of burning strawmen and coming close to violating Godwin’s Law.

  13. As I have said on blogs before, just look at the UK. Every time we have a Socialist Government they have destroyed our ecconomy and it takes a Conservative Government and a lot of pain to rebuild it.
    This time is the same , plus we have lost most of our freedom. We almost? have a Police State. Our power bills have sky rocketed. Cap and Trade plus a renewable energy suppliment paid by the energy suppliers push the cost per unit up so that the consumer does not realise it is a tax. Plus 5% VAT is added on top of the tax.
    This has gone on for years, why have the USA public not learned by our mistakes? Is it too late now?

  14. Raven,

    I realized when I made this post I would take some heat for it. A lot of my readers don’t agree with my politics. Many Canadians don’t realize the high regard Americans hold for Canada. Still those who are paying attention (or have a lot of Canadian friends) know that a lot of Canadians hold money on the side in case they need fast medical care from the US. It’s no accident that the US health care is better technologically and in service. It is also no accident that so many advances are funded by US companies. Our people aren’t any smarter–that’s for sure!

    I noticed Forbes put the US as #2, I think that is possibly too high but if the government wasn’t heading on the course it is, the US should be #1. Our past government showed the way to make money, now we’re just throwing those lessons away.

    Anyway, I’m interested in AGW for a bit and I promise not to compare the US ‘current’ politics to Nazi Germany.

  15. Don’t blame you for venting, Jeff. I do it myself quite often.

    Even if the AGW scam is exposed for what it is, we’re still screwed. Won’t keep me from surveying weather stations or the like, though. I’ll do my part to undermine this nonsense wherever I can.

    I never thought I’d see the day when I would be researching other currencies, natural resources & precious metals to load up on, but that’s what I’ve been doing all morning. The American Dollar’s grave has been dug already. And I suspect our fearless leader will propose a North American currency of some kind to replace it, because his ideals revolve around European socialism. He’s so Euro, you know?

    I have no idea where we’re headed now, and it’s scary. I’m just trying to get my family out of the middle class before it’s too late, because there isn’t going to be much of a middle class left after this President’s terms are up (Yes, I said “terms”). If I’m wrong, well….I won’t lose anything other than the time invested.

  16. A few more little snippets from the Mother of Democracy (The UK!).
    Our MPs are allowed to claim expenses for a second house, aimed at those who’s constituencies are far from London, so they’ve a base to work from whilst attending Parliament.
    This clown http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1164046/MPs-face-expenses-probe-Labour-minister-claims-60-000-allowance-second-home-doesnt-live-in.html is claiming for his parents’ home, despite his own being 11 miles from Westminster.
    Like the others perpetrating this scam, he’s only doing what he’s allowed to, but thinks that MPs should be better paid so they don’t need these perks. He earns £104,050 a year, his wife a mere £225,000, poor chap must have a touch of envy that’s he’s not the main earner!
    Bear in mind, that some 85% of UK laws are now made at European level and just go through Parliament on the nod.
    Our great Labour Government, now wants all UK residents to give advanced notice of plans to leave the country, so they can be tracked, this includes credit card details. All as part of “The War on Terrorism”, naturally.
    “In most cases the information will be expected to be provided 24
    hours ahead of travel and will then be stored on a Government database for around ten years.”
    Now, we’re used to dealing with rude US immigration authorities (Who already demand this information for those entering the US) but having to record these details, even if one’s just popping over to France to fill up on cheap booze!
    The other issue, is our dear Government’s inability to hold onto secure information, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article2907495.ece
    Their employees scatter laptops, paperwork & CDs of data around with gay abbandon.

  17. Why not read his actual words again and stop reading between the lines….because you’re just forcing your own prejudice on people.

    “I think that… we have been slow to move in a better direction when it comes to energy usage. And the president, frankly, hasn’t had an energy policy.* And as a consequence we’ve been consuming energy as if it’s infinite. We now know that our demand is badly outstripping supply with China and India growing as rapidly as they are.”
    ie he’s 100% correct whether you are red green blue.

    “Barack Obama: I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment. The fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing. But if we take some steps right now to help people make the adjustment, first of all by putting more money in their pockets, but also by encouraging the market to adapt to these new circumstances more rapidly, particularly U.S. automakers…””
    ie 100% both humanist and market-aware. Not one iota of socialist dogma there. Nothing to misinterpret.

    You may recal Michael Tobis saying that Andy Revkin was evil for saying that Gore exaggerated. The first problem is that if you trust any politician whatsoever then you are an idiot by definition. The second problem is that sometimes socialism is good and sometimes bad and the same goes for capitalism – which just went bad in a big way. It’s the people who fail, not the system.

  18. JamesG: This is classically Orwellian. There is hardly a word or phrase that does not misinform or outright lie about something. A few examples:

    “I think that… we have been slow to move in a better direction when it comes to energy usage. And the president, frankly, hasn’t had an energy policy”.

    The president (Bush) tried to get an energy policy through Congress but they blocked it. His policy would have opened up ANWR, offshore and other sources to drilling. It would have reduced regulatory constraints on building of refineries and nuclear power plants and included other positive steps toward increasing supply here at home. The liberal approach is to concentrate on demand through government coercion and pretend that the supply will magically emerge to meet the demand and to hell with the cost. To accuse Bush of not having an energy polcy is an outright lie. The fact that you and Obama disagreed with it does not mean it did not exist.

    “Barack Obama: I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment. The fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing. But if we take some steps right now to help people make the adjustment, first of all by putting more money in their pockets, but also by encouraging the market to adapt to these new circumstances more rapidly, particularly U.S. automakers…””
    ie 100% both humanist and market-aware. Not one iota of socialist dogma there.

    This is delusional thinking on your part. The man talks about the government putting money into peoples pockets and encouraging (he means government coercion) the auto makers to adapt more rapidly (build cars with better gas mileage). As it turns out the thing you liberals hate the most, the market, did the job quickly and efficiently without the government spending a dime or taking away individual freedoms. His prescriptions are precisely socialist and anti-market.

    The massive amount of double-speak spewed from this administration and its useful idiots on a daily basis makes Orwell look more prescient than he could have ever imagined.

  19. http://www.foxnews.com/video-search/m/22024822/mission_accomplished.htm

    BO’s time is growing shorter this is from fox reporting about a CBS interview !


    this is all getting more and more biblical.

    #24 Troy, I agree with your assessment, there is a need for some government,
    but they are taking over privet banking and so forth .
    the second coming has been talked about for 2000 years but the last 50 is much more nearer.

    the info I received in the last 24 hours is that the white house staff has a plain to use 1 in 6 leverage financing to get investments back into the banks…. but wait… that is how we got here in the first place!!!!!!
    I have a headache in top of my head so have to stop for now.

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